Friday, 26 February 2016

Aoe3 on Twitch and notable streamers

There are many streamers in the Aoe3 community with everything from tournament games to campaign speed runs. I've made a list of the most notable streamers here, you can head to Eso-community to see who's currently streaming or visit their Twitch/YouTube channels by clicking on the links. Oh yeah, you can also check out my Twitch channel too when I'm streaming and go to my YouTube channel for past games.

ESOC official channel : The official channel of the ESO community, all tournament and SaturdaySmackdown games are streamed here

ZutaZuta : ZutaZuta casts tournament matches and Saturday Smackdown games he often casts alongside Interjection (hence the name Zuterjection) and is known for his love of, and skill with, the Japanese

Interjection : Interjection is the most watched and subscribed too aoe 3 streamer! Like ZutaZuta he casts tournament matches and SaturdaySmackdown games and the two have formed a legendary casting partnership. On top of this he sometimes streams speedruns of the Aoe 3 campaign and he plays Hearthstone and more recently Runescape Chronicle. His favorite civ is the interesting if somewhat under powered Spanish civilization

Aizamk : Hailing from the far east, Aizamk is known for disregarding the meta and coming up with strange and interesting builds, often surprising even top level opponents! He often streams 1v1 games but occasionally plays team games too

Tibia : Tibia is strong team player and mainly streams 2v2 and 3v3 team games. Does some nice dragoon age 3 with France and Portugal and also some good sea booms

VeniVidiVici W : The 3rd placed player in the spring tournament. Although he doesn't stream much anymore you can check out his Youtube channel for some analytical, informative, high level games. He also has a guide for new players which you can download here

Thursday, 25 February 2016


Eso Community

My first post and probably the most important one is about the website. Eso-community is an age of empires fan website made by players in the Aoe 3 community. There are so many cool things you can find here including discussions and even seasonal tournaments that anyone can enter. Most of the active players in the Aoe3 community can be found here so I'd say its essential to any Aoe3 player.

You can find:

  • General Age of Empires discussion, civilizations discussion, builds and much more! 
  • User submitted content such as scenarios, maps (and even new ui's) 

  • Streams from players in the age of empires community 

  • Weekly Saturday Smackdown best of 5 competition streamed on ESOCTV at 21:00pm GMT 

  • And of course the seasonal tournaments for players of any skill level that take place with a $1100 dollar cash prize pool! 

Don't forget to head here and sign up, its a great website whether your new to the game and you don't know where to start, or if you consider yourself a seasoned veteran and you want some tips on how to improve. Its probably the main hub of the aoe 3 community alongside the Microsoft official website.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Welcome to the new world

Welcome to my blog about age of empires 3 (The Asian Dynasties) and other games such as Metal Knights and games in the Aoe series. I hope to post:
  •  Guides and builds for the civilizations in Aoe 3 and tips for online play
  • links to the Eso-Community website
  • links to my stream on twitch and my YouTube channel + other notable streamers in the Eso community. 
I hope my guides are useful and you enjoy visiting my website! Don't forget to leave comments and visit my twitch and YouTube channel too. 

The new world awaits...